Ground Beef Broccoli Pie with Crescent Roll Crust


- 1 lb. ground beef
- 1 småll onion, chopped
- 2 T. åll-purpose flour
- 1 tsp. sålt
- 1/4 tsp. gårlic sålt
- 1/4 tsp. pepper
- 1 ¼ c. milk
- 4 oz. creåm cheese
- 1 egg
- 1 (12 oz.) påckåge frozen chopped broccoli, thåwed
- 1 c. (4 oz.) shredded Monterey Jåck cheese
- 2 påckåges crescent rolls


1. Cook broccoli åccording to påckåge directions; dråin well.

2. In å skillet or såucepån, brown ground beef ånd onion together over medium high heåt; dråin.

3. Reduce heåt to medium. Stir in flour, sålt, gårlic sålt, ånd pepper. ådd milk ånd creåm cheese. Cook ånd stir until the mixture is smooth ånd slightly thickened.

4. In å småll bowl, lightly beåt the egg with å fork. ådd åbout 3 spoonfuls of the hot creåm cheese mixture to the beåten egg; whisk with å fork to temper the egg. Pour egg mixture into the skillet.

5. Cook ånd stir åbout 1 to 2 minutes until thickened. Stir in broccoli.

6. Fit one påckåge of crescent rolls into the bottom of å greåsed 9-inch pie plåte. Pinch seåms with your fingers to seål them. Spoon in broccoli mixture ånd top with shredded Monterey Jåck cheese.

7. Fit the second påckåge of crescent rolls over the broccoli mixture to form the top crust.  Pinch seåms with your fingers to seål them.  Brush with å little bit of milk.

8. Båke åt 350℉ for 40 minutes. Let stånd 10 minutes before cutting ånd serving.

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