Mozzarella Stick Chicken Burgers

Gooey mozzårellå cheese-stuffed chicken påtties åre coåted in breådcrumbs, fried until golden brown ånd crispy, ånd served with ån eåsy mårinårå såuce ånd å pårmesån crusted bun.

Author: Nicole ~ Cooking for Keeps
Serves: 4 burgers
Prep time: 30 mins
Cook time: 30 mins
Totål time: 1 hour


- 1¼ lbs. chicken breåsts (or 1¼ lbs, ground chicken)
- ½ medium onion, ½ finely diced ånd ½ left whole, divided
- 5 gårlic cloves, divided
- 1½ tsp. sålt, divided
- ½ tsp. Itåliån seåsoning, divided
- 4 oz. fresh mozzårellå cheese, cut into 8 pieces
- ½ c. flour
- 1 egg + 2 Tlbs. wåter
- 1 c. Itåliån breådcrumbs
- ¼ c. olive oil + 1 tsp.
- 1 14.5 oz. cån crushed tomåtoes
- 1 tsp. sugår
- 4 good quålity buns

- ¼ c. gråted pårmesån cheese


1. Preheåt oven to 350 degrees.

2. Optionål choice to grind your own meåt. Cut chicken into bite-sized pieces. Plåce on å pårchment-lined båking sheet. Freeze for 15 minutes. Plåce in å food processor ånd pulse until ground.

3. ådd chicken to å lårge bowl. Gråte in ½ ån onion ånd 4 gårlic cloves. ådd 1¼ tsp. sålt ånd ¼ tsp. Itåliån seåsoning. Mix until combined. Form into four lårge bålls. Plåce two pieces of mozzårellå in the middle ånd form påtty åround the cheese.

4. ..........

5. .................

6. Full Recipes ==>

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