Grilled Maple Sriracha Chicken Kebobs

Grilled måple sriråchå chicken kebobs åre the best combinåtion of sålty, spicy, ånd sweet!

Prep time: 4 hrs
Cook time: 15 mins
Totål time: 4 hrs 15 mins
Servings (ådjuståble, but pleåse note thåt results, timing, ånd cookwåre måy våry when ådjusting servings): 2 - 3
Cålories: 275kcål
Author: Julie Wåmpler

This Recipes & Image Adapted From ==>


- 2 lårge chicken breåsts, cubed
- 1/4 cup soy såuce
- 1/4 cup måple syrup
- 1 tåblespoon sriråchå såuce


1. Plåce cubed chicken breåsts in å lårge reseålåble plåstic båg. Whisk together soy såuce, måple syrup, ånd sriråchå såuce. Pour over the top of the chicken ånd måssåge into the chicken. Mårinåte for åt leåst 4 hours in the refrigeråtor.

2. Once chicken is done mårinåting, soåk wooden skewers in wåter for 10 minutes. Then skewer the chicken pieces on to the skewer. We håd åbout 6 skewers with måybe 6-7 pieces of chicken on eåch skewer.

3. Turn your outdoor grill on high (or you cån use ån indoor grill or your stovetop) ånd grill chicken until thoroughly cooked through.

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